Barbecruise Policy
The Leland Yacht Club shall establish and maintain a Barbecruise committee and such Barbecruise sub-committees as needed. Members and chairs of these committees shall be elected or appointed by current Barbecruise committee members, with approval of the Commodore, for terms designated by the committee. All committee and sub-committee members shall be members of the Leland Yacht Club.A Barbecruise committee representative shall attend all meetings of the LYC Board of Directors. The representative shall give a brief Barbecruise report at the LYC annual meeting in August. The Barbecruise Committee will notify the Commodore of general committee meetings.
The LYC Board will authorize the Barbecruise Committee to hold the annual Barbecruise program and dinner in August, on a date approved by the board. All Barbecruise attendees shall be members of the LYC or house guests of LYC members.